100 years on, the Ummah remains strong and empowered


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Today marks 100 Gregorian years since the Islamic Caliphate system abruptly ended with the Ottoman Empire.

Muslim empires had ruled for thousands of years, bringing to the forefront medicine, mathematics, educational institutions, mechanical inventions, and much more. Alongside this, we harboured the strongest of armies, grounded in our Islamic values and traditions.

It was these unique qualities which made the forbearance and might of our armies incomparable to others.

Even in hardship, we’ve always been strong

While the fall of the Islamic Caliphate was a difficult time in our history, it also is a great reminder of the sustaining strength of the Muslim Ummah.

Our past and present history is filled with people of great courage, faith, and determination. All throughout the world, our brothers and sisters enduring hardship and resisting oppression with forbearance are heroes of our time and will be remembered for generations to come!

It is an honour to be part of and to serve this beautiful Ummah.

In the next three sections of this article, we take the time to appreciate some of the Muslim communities that have shown inspiring strength and resilience, sustaining the honour and dignity of the Ummah.


Palestinians remain resilient and show immense bravery in the face of decades of colonial oppression, violent occupation, and the forced expulsion from their homes by Zionist invaders.

The recent war on Gaza — which was preceded by yearly military attacks, a system of apartheid, and suppression by the Zionist entity — has shone a light on the sheer injustice Palestinians have been facing for nearly a hundred years. [1]

Undeterred by this, Palestinians have shown the world values of steadfastness, justice, freedom, and honour. Their faith and optimism despite hardship has inspired millions all over the world to demand their freedom, because we know that until Palestine is free, none of us are free!


In 2021, Afghanistan liberated itself after 40 years of war and foreign occupation by the Soviets and then the US and their Western allies. [2]

Their steadfastness to their values, courage, and optimism in their faith allowed them to overcome the harsh impact of a conflict which saw millions of Afghans displaced, killed, and injured with life-changing effects.

Many were unjustly detained and tortured due to former US President George W. Bush and his so-called “War on Terror”, which further destroyed the lives of hundreds of families. But the Afghan people were able to outstand the tides of war, struggling with their lives and sacrificing their livelihoods.

Now, after decades of struggle and patience, they are able to build and prosper, free from the fear of war or persecution.

East Turkestan

Uyghurs come from East Turkestan, a place rich in natural minerals, landscape, culture, and religious values. Over a hundred years ago, their land was taken over by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Uyghur Muslims’ unwavering courage and determination in the face of state-led religious persecution by the Chinese government has inspired millions around the globe to learn about their plight. [3]

This same regime continues to occupy the land; it is committing an ethnic and cultural genocide under the guise of combatting “separatism”.

The people of East Turkestan have had many uprisings against Chinese oppression and were successful twice — in 1933 and 1944 — until their governments crumbled due to Soviet and Chinese influence. [4] [5]

However, until this day, Uyghur Muslims are risking their lives and sacrificing their wealth and safety to expose the CCP and bring back justice and dignity to their people, while producing new generations of the Islamic tradition.

In conclusion

These are just some of the brave and courageous examples within our Ummah which remind us of our values and principles as Muslims.

So, instead of using this day to feel demoralised by the fall of the Islamic Caliphate, let it inspire and remind us of our magnificent history and all those Muslims among us who strive to preserve and honour the Dīn.

Action points

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Source: Islam21c


[1] https://www.islam21c.com/politics/israel-engaged-in-colonial-genocide-of-palestine/

[2] https://www.islam21c.com/politics/us-deserts-bagram-airbase-as-it-flees-afghanistan/

[3] https://www.islam21c.com/tag/uyghurs/

[4] https://www.islam21c.com/campaigns/remembering-the-first-islamic-republic-of-east-turkestan-1933-34/

[5] https://www.islam21c.com/campaigns/remembering-the-second-islamic-republic-of-east-turkestan-1944-49/

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