Zakat Fitrah 2024, Calculation and Complete Guide


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Friends, zakat fitrah is a form of worship that is highly recommended in Islam, especially before Eid al-Fitr. Not only as a soul cleanser for Muslims, zakat fitrah is also considered a way to help those in need. In this article, Sahabat will explore thoroughly about zakat fitrah 2024, starting from the arguments, the calculation of zakat fitrah in Indonesia, to how Dompet Dhuafa makes it easy for Sahabat to give zakat fitrah.

Dalil Zakat Fitrah

Zakat-ul-Fitr is required by Islam as one of the pillars of Islam that must be carried out by every Muslim, both men and women. In QS Al-Baqarah verse 43, Allah SWT says, ‘And establish prayer, pay zakat and bow with those who bow’. In addition, it is also mentioned in the Word of Allah SWT in Surah At-Taubah verse 103, ‘Take zakat from some of their wealth, with zakat you clean and purify them and pray for them. Indeed, your prayers (become) peace of mind for them. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing’. All these verses command us to give zakat.

The evidence on which zakat fitrah is based can also be found in a hadith narrated by Ibn Umar RA, which states that the Prophet SAW made zakat fitrah obligatory to cleanse the fasting person from mistakes and vain speech, and as food for the poor (HR. Bukhari and Muslim).

Calculation of Zakat Fitrah 2024 in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the calculation of zakat fitrah is usually determined by the government or Islamic institutions such as the relevant BAZNAS based on the price of basic commodities, especially rice, which is the staple food of the majority of the Indonesian population. For zakat fitrah 2024, the nishab (minimum measure of wealth subject to zakat) is set at 2.5 kg or 3.5 litres of rice per person. Zakat fitrah is calculated per person. This means that every family member that Sahabat is responsible for is obliged to pay zakat fitrah. For example, if you have a family with 4 members, then multiply the total of 4 family members.

Zakat Fitrah at Dompet Dhuafa

Dompet Dhuafa as an Islamic philanthropic organisation in Indonesia, provides an easy and safe platform for Sahabat to give Zakat Fitrah. With a vision to bring blessings to more people through zakat, Dompet Dhuafa ensures that the zakat fitrah that Sahabat donates will be right on target to those in need. The amount of zakat fitrah at Dompet Dhuafa is set at Rp59,000 per person. The amount of zakat fitrah is calculated with high quality premium rice from the empowerment of Dompet Dhuafa’s local farmers.

The Advantages of Giving Fitrah Zakat at Dompet Dhuafa

Transparency and Accountability: Reports on the use of zakat funds can be accessed online.
Easy and Secure: The zakat fitrah payment process can be done from your home via bank transfer or online payment platform.
Proper Distribution: Dompet Dhuafa guarantees the distribution of zakat fitrah to mustahik (people who are entitled to receive zakat) according to Islamic law.
Rice from Local Farmer Empowerment: The rice distributed in zakat fitrah comes from local farmers fostered by Dompet Dhuafa which will have an impact on raising their economic status. The rice chosen is premium and of high quality.

Ahead of Eid al-Fitr 2024, let’s cleanse our souls and share happiness by giving zakat fitrah through Dompet Dhuafa. By giving zakat at Dompet Dhuafa, you not only fulfil your obligation as a Muslim, but also make a real contribution to the welfare of the people.

How to Pay Fitrah Zakat at Dompet Dhuafa

Visit Dompet Dhuafa website at Pay Zakat Fitrah 2024
Select the Zakat menu, then select Zakat Fitrah.
Fill in the zakat fitrah form completely.
Make payment according to the calculated amount of zakat fitrah.
Save the transfer receipt as proof that you have paid zakat fitrah.

Friends, zakat fitrah is a noble and obligatory practice for every Muslim. By doing so, we not only cleanse ourselves from mistakes but also contribute to helping others in need. Dompet Dhuafa is here as your partner in distributing zakat fitrah easily, safely, and on target. Let us together welcome Eid al-Fitr 2024 with a clean heart and filled with the joy of sharing.

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