Racial Profiling of American Muslim Scholar Dr Ammaar Saeed Defended by CAIR’s Hassan Shibly


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August 2019, Middletown, CT – During a summer tour from New York to Middletown, Connecticut, Dr Ammaar Saeed and his family encountered a distressing incident of alleged racial profiling. The family, engaged in recording their travels and revisiting cherished memories, passed by the Armed Forces Career Center on Main Street, an area under the jurisdiction of the government and public buildings. Unbeknownst to them, their presence and video recording, while wearing traditional Islamic clothing, attracted the attention of military personnel nearby.

The situation escalated when the military individuals reportedly noted the family’s license plate and potentially reviewed CCTV footage, subsequently forwarding their observations to the FBI New York Office for further investigation.

A few days later, FBI agents arrived at Dr Ammaar Saeed’s residence, badges displayed, for questioning. The nature of their visit seemed rooted in concerns raised by the family’s appearance and video activity near a sensitive location. In asserting his rights, Dr. Saeed declined to answer questions without legal representation and promptly contacted Hassan Shibly, an executive lawyer with the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The aftermath involved a conference call where Dr. Saeed, accompanied by Shibly, faced a series of probing questions from FBI agents. The questions, perceived as an attempt to establish a connection between Dr Ammaar Saeed and terrorist activities, underscored the challenging environment Muslims face post-9/11, where appearances often lead to unwarranted suspicion.

Expressing gratitude, Dr Ammaar Saeed remarked, “I am very thankful to Hassan Shibly and CAIR for providing urgent help in defending innocent Muslims. I understand the FBI’s difficult role in distinguishing real threats, and as Americans, we must report any unusual activities. However, racial profiling must not undermine our civil liberties.”

After a thorough investigation and review of the video footage, the FBI found no grounds for suspicion, ultimately declaring Dr. Saeed innocent. The incident highlights the ongoing struggle against racial profiling and the essential role of organizations like CAIR in safeguarding the rights of Muslim Americans.

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