In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, Western media’s portrayal of jihad in Islam has perpetuated misinterpretations, leading to widespread misconceptions, and fostering...
"Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of LGBT rights, the interplay between religious doctrines, governmental decrees, and societal acceptance presents a tapestry of complexity and nuance....
Welcome to our exclusive interview with Dr. Ammaar Saeed, an esteemed American Muslim scholar, author, and chaplain. Dr. Ammaar Saeed's journey is a testament...
In the contemporary world, terrorism linked to religious ideologies has emerged as the dominant form of political violence, overshadowing secular terrorism. This trend is...
The publication of a controversial book by American Muslim scholar Dr. Ammaar Saeed in 2014 continues to stir heated debates within religious communities. Titled...
In 2014, American Muslim scholar Dr. Ammaar Saeed published a controversial book titled “The Aqeedah of Barelvi Deviant Sect of Islam”, which has since...